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Safe-Moor is the Preferred Choice for the Environment and Boaters

Aerial photo of bay with small anchored

Conventional moorings for small vessels and docks using chain and rope have contributed to the destruction of the benthic environment (seagrass meadows, corals, and fauna) by scouring the seabed.

Seagrass meadows and coral reefs, with their associated fauna, provide irreplaceable ecological services.  They combat climate change by sequestering CO2, protect coastal communities from storms by absorbing wave energy and trapping sediment, and promote fisheries development by providing habitats and food for various species of marine life.  Since 1879, nearly 29% of the world’s seagrasses have disappeared, thereby vastly reducing global ecological services.

EOM Offshore is addressing this problem by offering Safe-Moor, an innovative conservation mooring solution.  

Safe-Moor is the preferred choice for the environment and boaters, using tested, proven mooring technology developed at the world’s leading oceanographic institution, WHOI. 

Safe-Moor is neutrally buoyant, unlike conventional chain, so it does not drag on the seafloor, allowing for the natural restoration of these sea grasses and corals.    By elongating 2.5 times in rough weather, Safe-Moor reduces peak (snap) loads for secured vessels or docks, creating a gentler motion and reducing damage to mooring hardware.   

To withstand higher mooring load tensions, two Safe-Moors can be deployed side-by-side.  To get increased elongation, two Safe-Moors can be connected end-on-end, allowing deployment in waters 30’ and deeper, in areas of high tides and high currents. 

Key Features:

  • 16.5 ft (5m) long

  • Dry weight: 8 lbs

  • Elongation: 250% of the original length (>40')

  • Working load: 2,500 lb-f (withstands hurricane force wins and waves on a 35' boat)

  • Breaking strength: 3,500 lb-f

  • Design life: 5-7 years

  • Reduced maintenance and biofouling

  • Smaller watch circle

Feeding frenzy_ group of fish and goatfi

© 2020 by EOM Offshore, LLC. 


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