Universal Joints

Real Time Data Seafloor-to-Surface
Relieve Strain at Termination
Isolate Roll and Pitch
EOM Offshore's universal joints are versatile and may be used directly under surface buoys, as interfaces to subsurface buoys, and between mooring risers and seafloor structures.
Electromechanical Universal Joint
The electromechanical universal joint provides a robust electrical and mechanical connection point for electromechanical riser elements. In return, electrical failure is reduced and the quality of data measurements from subsurface instruments is assured.
Provides a robust electrical and mechanical connection point
Three axis 45-degree deflection
Protected path for electrical conductors along the central axis
Stainless steel body construction
Robust lifespan assuming periodic refurbishment

Mechanical Universal Joint
The mechanical universal joint provides a combination of strength and wear resistance for bending under load, and may be used with mooring riser elements such as chain and wire.
Mechanical termination point for mooring riser elements
75° deflection on swing shaft/30 degree on clevis
Permits roll and pitch without mechanical wear to riser elements
Stainless steel construction
Robust lifespan assuming periodic refurbishment